Bride Wants To Buy Bridesmaids Contacts So Eyes Don’t Clash The Dress

Just when you think you've heard of EVERY crazy thing that some bride has done before her wedding, someone like THIS comes along.

A woman recently posted on a Facebook group for brides about a plan she was considering for her wedding: Buying her bridesmaids all colored contact lenses. Why? So their eyes don't clash with the color of the dresses.

Quote, "How over the top is it to buy my blue-eyed bridesmaids color contacts? I'm offering to let them select any other color, even a rich amber brown like mine . . . I'm not afraid of being overshadowed!

"I just think blue eyes would clash, since one of the wedding colors is chartreuse."

And the consensus was . . . yes, that's too over the top. Oh . . . and if you're going with chartreuse dresses, which are a yellowish-green color, there's LOTS of stuff they're going to clash with