A Student Saved A Squirrels Life Thanks To The Office!

Last Tuesday, an 18-year-old college student at Central Michigan University named Natalie Belsito stopped to help a SQUIRREL after it fell into a fountain and couldn't get out.

It wasn't moving and looked dead. But luckily, she'd seen an episode from season five where Steve Carell's character learns CPR . . . and a woman tells him to do chest compression's to the beat of "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees.

If you have not seen this scene... YOU NEED TO:

She says she was literally singing the song out loud while she did it. Then she brought the squirrel up to her dorm, and used a hair dryer to get its core temperature back up. -- Read the full story here-- 

After about two hours, she left it alone in her bathroom to calm down. Then she took it outside. And as soon as she let it go, it ran up a tree.